Graduate Student Publishing: Collaborative Research


Given the increasing importance for both the academic job market and bagging research grants for collaborative research, it’s important to talk about team scholarship processes in some depth. Specifically: when, why, how, and with whom should you collaborate with on a research project?

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Where’s the Leadership in CSR?

This post also appeared in CSRWire Talkback.


One of the projects I’m currently working on examines the role of leadership in corporate social responsibility. The first thing that struck me while going through all the available CSR material was how little it had to say on leadership, compared to (say) stakeholdersthe “business case” or even global/local adaptations. Oh, we throw the term “leadership” around a lot when we talk about “leading corporate citizens” or visionary CEOs (and the not-so visionary ones, à la BP’s Tony Hayward), but few practitioners and scholars actually think about the leadership concept.

So why does it make sense to think about leadership in CSR?

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The 5-Step Primer: Culture, CSR, and Globalization

This post also appeared in CSRWire Talkback.


What then would a glocal approach to CSR entail? Here’s a 5-step primer:

Continue reading “The 5-Step Primer: Culture, CSR, and Globalization”